Tina`s Taxi Crew Grafenwöhr
                                                                     Tina`s Taxi Crew Grafenwöhr

    Information and Events


Here we will keep you updated to current and upcoming events and also general information that may interest you.


Weekly Market in Grafenwoehr:

a weekly market at the Grafenwoehr marketplace from 9:00 till 14:00 with local producers and suppliers.








When calling either taxi dispatcher you should:

  • Request a taxi driver with a U.S. Installation Pass

    Make this clear several times. This is critical. If the driver does not have a pass, the driver will not be allowed on-post.

  • Specify your pick-up point.

    Just saying "Tower" or "Rose" is not enough. Clearly indicate Tower Barracks or Rose Barracks and give a specific building number or street address.

  • Give them your full name.

  • Give them your phone number.

    Cell phone preferred

  • Specify the time of pick-up.

    Preferably in advance, especially if you need to go or come from the airport.*

  • Specify number of passengers

    If you are traveling to the airport, report the total number of suitcases. American luggage sizes are larger than European sizes. Also report how many passengers will be going. This will determine the vehicle or if they have to come with two cars. These companies do not have many vans. If you have small infants, you will need to bring your own child's vehicle safety seat. It is not a requirement for taxi's to provide that.

  • Specify destination.

  • Be prepared to pay in full with euros (€).

    Be prepared to pay all taxi driver's in euros. Some taxis do not accept U.S. dollars or any form of credit.


    The best thing to do is call in advance and coordinate an appointment in order to get the larger vehicles. All taxis will be searched upon arrival at the installation Access Control Point (ACP) at any installation, even with U.S. ID cardholders as passengers. Taxi drivers without installation passes CAN NOT be signed in to any USAG Bavaria installation.



We are always looking for Taxi drivers. You need to be at least 21 years old and must have a German driving permit for at least 3 years. For more Information just give us call under: 01741853101

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©2015 Martina Just ( P.S.)